Analyzing from humanism the saying “Only fragile minds fear equality”

  • Soraya I. Ramírez-Chelala Hernández | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala | SUAyED
Keywords: equality, banking pedagogy, humanistic pedagogy, libertarian pedagogy


Society has undergone great transformations, so, their needs, ideologies and demands have also been modified. For example, every time there is a greater force in attending phenomena such as the oppression of gender and the oppression of the teacher on the student. Taking the perspective of human development as an axis, this essay analyzes gender pedagogy with a humanistic, libertarian, affective and hopeful approach. It also analyzes what is related to sustainability in education. The objective of this analysis focuses on generating awareness of the urgent need to create a pedagogy that generates learning and growth of the individual as an integral person. A pedagogy of hope is needed that projects the students towards a better future, created by themselves. If the pedagogy focuses on creating strategies to teach the individual to be the one who forges his story, he will make free beings. Freedom arises from not depending on a superior, to do it by himself.


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Author Biography

Soraya I. Ramírez-Chelala Hernández, | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala | SUAyED
Estudiante de doctorado en Desarrollo Humano en la Universidad Antropológica de Guadalajara. Tutora de Psicología SUAyED (FESIztacala). Representante del claustro de Psicología Organizacional y Responsable del repositorio de Psicología Organizacional.


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How to Cite
Ramírez-Chelala Hernández, S. I. (2019). Analyzing from humanism the saying “Only fragile minds fear equality”. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 5(1), 21-35.