Charlotte Højholt y Ernst Schraube

Keywords: Critical psychology, critique of individualism, conduct of everyday life


From its formation as an independent discipline, psychology has been concerned with human self-reflection, but the question of how to conduct one’s life has not been of much significance. On the background of the work of Max Weber and subject-orientated sociologists, critical psychologists in recent years incorporated the concept conduct of everyday life into psychological theory and practice. The concept tries to overcome the abstract individualism of psychology (and the accompanying wordlessness) where subjects are enclosed in isolated psychological special functions, and tries to contribute to a psychological epistemology, which grasps the richness, complexity and connectedness of psychological phenomena as they unfold in everyday practice. This article presents central dimensions of the concept, situates it in the history of psychology and outlines a body of work analysing with the concept the contemporary practice of everyday living.


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Author Biography

Gilberto Pérez-Campos, | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala |
Profesor asociado en la FES Iztacala, UNAM. Es parte de un grupo de investigación que estudia la vida cotidiana de las personas, principalmente en los contextos familiar y escolar, desde una pespectiva sociocultural.


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How to Cite
Pérez-Campos, G. (2019). Charlotte Højholt y Ernst Schraube. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 5(2), 289-292.
La Psicología Ayer y Hoy