Analysis of performance when speaking in public in university students

Keywords: Public speaking, perception, execution, University students


The ability to speak in public is essential for university students, it includes verbal and non-verbal behaviors to develop the behaviors expected in the professional profile of the career. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between self-report on public speaking and observation of performance when exhibiting in class. 41 undergraduate students participated; The Public Speaking Confidence Questionnaire and the Public Speaking Skills Rubric in University Students were used to evaluate performance. The findings are consistent with previous research on the prevalence of difficulties to speak in public in the university population in around 20 and 30%; Various combinations were found with respect to perception and performance when presenting a topic, highlighting, for example, students who perceive themselves as fearful of speaking in public but whose level of performance is basic and even competent in some cases. Although no significant relationship was found between perception and performance when speaking in public, it is necessary to continue with the line of research derived from the possible combinations of perception-performance, in order to offer differentiated training to improve this ability.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina Bravo-González, | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala |
Doctor in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Master in Psychology from the same institution with a Specialty in Behavioral Medicine. Full-time “C” Associate Professor. Tutor, supervisor and teacher in the Residency in Behavioral Medicine, belonging to the Master's program in Professional Psychology, UNAM. Professor in the area of ​​Clinical Psychology at FESI between 2004 and 2011; Professor of Health Methodology at the undergraduate level since 2019 at FESI. Director and advisor of bachelor's and master's thesis. Collaborator in various research projects such as PAPIIT, PAPIME and PAPCA. Academic head of the Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy taught at FESI since 2011; responsible for the Strategy of Psychological Attention with a Cognitive Behavioral Approach at CAOPE. Co-author of various articles and book chapters in specialized texts; lecturer, speaker and workshop leader in specialized congresses and outreach events.
Patricia Ortega-Silva, | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala |
Degree in psychology. FES Iztacala UNAM Master's in Behavior Modification at the Iztacala School of Higher Studies. PhD in Sociology. Faculty of Political and Social Sciences by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Professor of the career of Psychology, Area of ​​Special Education and Rehabilitation at the FES. Iztacala. Full-time permanent full-time “C” full-time professor. Member of the list of tutors for the doctorate and master's degree in Psychology. Evaluator of research projects proposed by Conacyt. Tutor of bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses. Assigned to the human learning group, in line with family dynamics (co-responsible for the project). Lines of investigation: Special education area. Evaluation and design of intervention programs for children with language problems. Training for parents of children with special education requirements. Exercise of parenthood with children with disabilities. Family dynamics in university students. Attendance and participation in courses, workshops, seminars, national and international congresses. Dictator of books and articles for magazines. Author of books, articles and chapters of a scientific nature published in specialized national and international magazines.


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How to Cite
Bravo-González, M. C., Ortega-Silva, P., & Vaquero-Cázares, J. E. (2021). Analysis of performance when speaking in public in university students. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(2), 330-346.