Changes in the commitment of university students with a partner and use of social networks during covid-19

Keywords: couple, engagement, COVID-19, dating apps


There are more and more studies that shed light on the understanding of the role of love and its main components such as commitment (González & García, 2009). However, the involuntary isolation by COVID-19, increased the online exchange for romantic purposes through applications and social networks (Sierra, 2020). The present study sought to explore changes in the variables of commitment, satisfaction, investment and alternatives before the pandemic and today, as well as their relationship with the use of social networks. We worked with 391 participants of Mexican nationality, 56% of women between 18 and 48 years old, undergraduate or graduate students, with at least one year of duration in a current relationship. Two moments were compared: before the pandemic and at present, of commitment, satisfaction, alternatives and investment, with a T test for related samples and an analysis of bivariate correlations to know the strength of association between them, adding the variable of social media. The results show an increase in the perception of alternatives to the current partner, and a decrease in commitment and satisfaction, with investment being the only variable that remained stable. Likewise, the increase in alternatives presented a positive correlation with the use of social networks, and an inverse with commitment, satisfaction and investment. This study shows the importance of physical disconnection and virtual connection, and its effect on couple relationships, because of modernity in a fragile and changing economy.


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Author Biographies

Giovanna Escobar-Mota, | Facultad de Psicología | Universidad Anáhuac | Campus Norte | México
Doctor in Social and Environmental Psychology from UNM. From 2002 to date he has collaborated in non-governmental organizations, at different levels (preparation and edition of manuals and / or didactic material for the implementation of the institute's programs, preparation of reports, design and preparation of research and planning proposals, supervision and project coordination) and in different problems (prevention of addictions, violence, health promotion, etc.) directed to national and international foundations. He currently does basic and applied research and is a teacher in public and private institutions.
María José García-Ortega, | Facultad de Psicología | Universidad Anáhuac | Campus Norte | México
She is a student of Psychology at the Universidad Anáhuac México, Campus Norte, with experience in the application of cognitive and emotional psychological tests to people of all ages, as well as their subsequent interpretation and preparation of psychological reports. She participated in the Youth Rotary International exchange program in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as an ambassador for peace and goodwill, and participated in various projects of the same association in the Interact area, which consists of aid and service to society. He has worked as a fieldwork assistant for the Ingenum Marketing Communication agency


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How to Cite
Escobar-Mota, G., García-Ortega, M. J., González-Güémez, T. A., Martín-de la Torre, J., Padilla-de Villasante , M. F., Rumbos-Quintana, C. F., & García-Rodríguez, G. (2021). Changes in the commitment of university students with a partner and use of social networks during covid-19. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(2), 221-240.