Emotions, moral obligation and collective efficacy in the popular consultation to prosecute former presidentsPopular consultation to prosecute former presidents, between hope and moral obligation.

Keywords: Citizen participation, Mexico City, hope, participatory effectiveness


This article explored, from social psychology, the main reasons why people decided to vote or abstain in the citizen consultation "to prosecute former presidents" from a sample of 394 participants of legal age and inhabitants of the Metropolitan Area From Mexico City. Using text analysis and decision trees, the motives and associated emotions were explored, and the importance of the variables studied was investigated to differentiate those who came to vote from those who did not. The most recurring emotions among those who voted were hope and trust. Regarding the cognitive variables, the most relevant was moral obligation. The results were analyzed in the light of proposed citizen participation models and the explanatory power of emotional and moral variables is highlighted to explain the citizen's voting behavior before popular consultations.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Zamudio-Sosa, Facultad de Psicología | UNAM |
PhD student in Social Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he is currently developing research projects using data science and artificial intelligence tools for the analysis of psychological and social science data.
María Montero Lopéz-Lena, Facultad de Psicología | UNAM |
Profesora titular «C» T. C., definitivo, División de estudios de posgrado, Facultad de Psicología. Licenciada, maestra y doctora en Psicología por Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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How to Cite
Zamudio-Sosa, A., & Lopéz-Lena, M. M. (2022). Emotions, moral obligation and collective efficacy in the popular consultation to prosecute former presidentsPopular consultation to prosecute former presidents, between hope and moral obligation. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 8(01), e08012022419. https://doi.org/10.22402/j.rdipycs.unam.e.8.01.2022.419