Measurement of personality in psychology: An essay of professional experience

  • Susana Díaz Contreras
  • Felipe de Jesús Díaz-Reséndiz Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Cynthia Zaira Vega Valero Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Measurement, Psychology, Personality, 16-PF, NEO-FFI


The personality measurement in the clinical, educational and organizational area of psychology for the description of personality traits and decision-making is frequent. However, the reliability and validity of the instruments used are scarcely verified. Two research examples are described in this essay; one with psychology students and other with workers of the trade sector. Two popular instruments for personality measuring were used; the sixteen personality factor questionnaire (16-PF) and the NEO-FFI inventory. The results revealed that there is little research on the psychometric properties of 16-PF. However, research that links personality traits with professional skills is abundant. It was found with respect to NEO FFI that it is often used to link the Big Five Model with many constructs, among them the job satisfaction. Among these variables, it was not possible to perform correlation analysis given that the NEO FFI did not meet the minimum requirements to be considered reliable. It is concluded for the measurement of psychological phenomena with an invitation to make exhaustive reviews of the literature, for the evaluation of the personality to develop new measures and to guide the work of the psychologist from the ethical principles.


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Author Biography

Felipe de Jesús Díaz-Reséndiz, Universidad de Guadalajara
Departamento de Promoción, Preservación y Desarrollo de la Salud.


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How to Cite
Díaz Contreras, S., Díaz-Reséndiz, F. de J., & Vega Valero, C. Z. (2019). Measurement of personality in psychology: An essay of professional experience. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 5(2), 159-174.