El Inherited stigma: the case of children born in prison.

  • Carlos Armas Hernández Armas Psicólogo
Keywords: Stigma, children in prision, moral deficiency


In this concluded research, I studied the social interactions of children born and living in prison in the company of their incarcerated mothers, under the focus of symbolic interactionism and the stigma theory; the general objective was to analyze the social processes experienced by children who remain up to 5 years of age, within the CERESO of Pachuca, Hgo., under the assumption that the stigma is inherited and institutional, and derives in consequential behavioral reactions. The research was qualitative, using methodological tools of symbolic interactionism and grounded theory; the sampling was theoretical; the scene was the CERESO of Pachuca, Hgo .; as instruments, in-depth interviews and participant observation; There were 31 informants; the analysis of the information was categorical, using the Atlas.ti software, and later, analysis and correlations with the theory. In this presentation, the results concerning a psychological category are presented: the moral career, which consists in internalizing the stigma from the predispositions generated by the environment. The categories Scapegoat and self-profiling are used to analyze the effects of criminalizing stigma on children's future.


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Author Biography

Carlos Armas Hernández Armas, Psicólogo
Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Master's degree in Education from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey, both of whom have academic merit; Doctor of Social Sciences from the UAEH; Expert in Forensic Psychology. He is a professor in the career of Psychology at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo; He is a psychotherapist and CEO of the consulting company “Grupo Cenit”; He has been a consultant for government programs such as Pronapred and institutions such as ChildFund México. He is currently the CDM coordinator of Inmujeres, in the state of Hidalgo.


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How to Cite
Hernández Armas, C. A. (2021). El Inherited stigma: the case of children born in prison. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(1), 105-127. https://doi.org/10.22402/j.rdipycs.unam.7.1.2021.307.105-127