Generative interest in caregivers of chronic patients, elderly and university students

Keywords: Generativity, Caregivers, Elderly, University students


Generativity is the interest of the human being to guide, share knowledge, support future generations and leave a legacy that will survive. From Erikson's theory, this capacity appeared in maturity, with fatherhood being the main generative activity. However, subsequent research indicated that generative interest could be preserved over time and also manifested in old age, in addition to casting doubt on whether the care activity indicated high generative interest or the presence of high stress. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the generative interest in caregivers of chronic patients (CPC), older adults (AM) and young university students (JU), as well as to determine the differences in generative interest and its dimensions between said groups. The results indicate statistically significant differences in generative interest between the three groups, the AM showed higher scores in the global score (F = 16.12, p = .0001) and showing that the CPC showed the lowest generative interest. In this sense, although AM and CPC are care providers, generativity seems to develop differently in both groups due to the reasons for performing this role.


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Author Biographies

Karina Reyes-Jarquín, | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala |
Graduated from the Bachelor of the Iztacala School of Higher Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico; Graduated from the Doctorate program in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM. She works as a Full Time Professor at UNAM-FESI under the line of research "Evaluation and psychological intervention in chronically ill, elderly and their caregivers". It belongs to the National System of Researchers. He has direction and co-direction of bachelor's and master's thesis, national and international publications, as well as presentations at national and international events. He has developed research in his area of ​​expertise related to Quality of life, Burden on caregivers, Caregiver - care receiver Diada, Cognitive - behavioral approach.
Ana Luisa González-Celis Rangel, | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | FES-Iztacala |
Graduated from the FES Iztacala of the UNAM, where she obtained a degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Health Services Research. And in the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM, the degree of doctor. Full-time, permanent “C” Professor of the Psychology, Postgraduate and Research career of the FES Iztacala UNAM, for more than 39 years, where she has a Level “D” in the PRIDE of the UNAM. She has been the director of more than 40 bachelor's, master's and doctorate theses in Psychology at UNAM. Member of the National System of Researchers Level I. She has been recognized with Academic Merit and distinguished with the Alexander I. Oparin Chair, at the FES Iztacala. He has published more than 20 articles in national and international journals, peer-reviewed and indexed. It has more than 20 book chapters by invitation. She is the author and co-author of three books. He has more than 50 papers in national conferences and more than 20 in international conferences. She has been invited in more than 25 national and international events to present conferences. He has developed research in his area of ​​expertise in Health Psychology, Positive Psychology, Quality of Life, Psychological Well-being and Aging


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How to Cite
Reyes-Jarquín, K., González-Celis Rangel, A. L., Bautista-Díaz, M. L., Guillén-Díaz Barriga, C., Cruz-Peralta, M. de J., Mendoza-Madrigal, V. A., Raya-Ayala, L. E., & Casado-Álvarez, M. F. (2021). Generative interest in caregivers of chronic patients, elderly and university students. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(2), 347-363.