Burnout in health professionals in the context of a pandemic: a methodological proposal for the detection of patterns based on artificial intelligence

  • Alejandro Zamudio-Sosa Facultad de Psicología | UNAM | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3902-5585
  • Samuel Rojo-López Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro | Ingeniería en Biomédica
  • Fernando Fuentes-Gallegos Universidad de La Frontera | Ingeniería Civil en Biotecnología
  • Jorge Iván Fletes-Gutiérrez
Keywords: artificial intelligence, Burnout, Healt professionals, intervention


Although the rates of professional attrition or burnout may vary depending on organizational contexts and different types of workers, several investigations report higher prevalence rates in the medical and health professional population compared to other populations (Hernández, 2003; Adán, Jiménez and Herrra, 2004; Toral-Villanueva, Aguilar-Madrid and Juárez-Pérez, 2009; Breilh, 1993). For this reason, a proposal was implemented, based on artificial intelligence, to identify patterns in variables of sociodemographic type, workload and burnout level with the aim of offering personalized interventions or recommendations. For this, a total of 724 online forms were applied to health professionals in Mexico, which contained the Maslach inventory adapted to the Mexican population (Aranda, Pando and Salazar, 2016) as well as additional questions related to sociodemographic variables and burden labor. Subsequently, the Kamila clustering algorithm was implemented to form groups of professionals with the greatest similarity between them (taking into account the results of the Maslach inventory and the rest of the variables). Finally, a classification model was trained using an SVM algorithm (Support Vector Machine) with Gaussian kernel to classify new observations in some group resulting from the clustering stage, which had a precision of .92. The application of algorithms based on artificial intelligence can be used to carry out group interventions as specialized as possible or to create platforms that can provide personalized psychological recommendations.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Zamudio-Sosa, Facultad de Psicología | UNAM |
PhD student in Social Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, I have graduates in Statistics, Data Science and Machine Learning, currently developing research projects using data science and artificial intelligence tools for the analysis of psychological data and of social sciences.
Samuel Rojo-López, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro | Ingeniería en Biomédica
Biomedical Engineer from the Autonomous University of Querétaro with a diploma in Biosensor Technology from the same institution, currently working as a Data Engineer in a technology consulting company. Within his complementary education he has taken several courses in programming languages ​​for Data Analysis, Econometrics, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing.


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How to Cite
Zamudio-Sosa, A., Rojo-López, S., Fuentes-Gallegos, F., & Fletes-Gutiérrez, J. I. (2021). Burnout in health professionals in the context of a pandemic: a methodological proposal for the detection of patterns based on artificial intelligence. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(2), 241-257. https://doi.org/10.22402/j.rdipycs.unam.7.2.2021.354.241-257