Development and psychometric analysis of a new internalized homophobia scale

Keywords: Internalized homophobia, Validity, Reliability, Culture, LGB


Internalized homophobia is an important construct for the development and physical and mental health of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, yet its operationalization has been constantly criticized and pointed out as complicated, by its content, by its psychometric properties and by the cultural influence with which the scales count. The purpose of this study was the construction of a culturally relevant internalized homophobia scale for LGB adults, as well as the identification of its dimensions and the evaluation of its psychometric properties of construct validity and reliability. 782 volunteers aged between 18 and 52 participated. Through an exploratory factor analysis, a scale was obtained with 22 items distributed in four factors, which explained 54.38% of the variance. An internal consistency analysis showed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.92. The results are discussed in light of various proposed theories and measurement models on internalized homophobia. This study responded to various criticisms about the operationalization of this construct, in addition to providing a valid and reliable new instrument that maintains and adds new elements to this construct.


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Author Biographies

Cristian Iván Bonilla-Teoyotl, Facultad de Psicología | UNAM |
He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Higher Studies Zaragoza of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, currently he is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Psychology in the Master's and Doctorate program in Psychology at UNAM, in the field of Psychology Social and Environmental. It has been developed within the research through participation in various PAPIIT projects (codes IN 303316, IN 307020) under topics such as beliefs, culture, physical health and mental health. He has published research articles, specialized book chapters, extensive abstracts and presented various papers at national and international congresses and symposia. He was trained and participated in the tutoring of students with recoverable lag at the FES Zaragoza and in research projects within the same institution (codes 2017-12 / 48-2507 and Official Letter FESZ / PSIC / 511/17). He has been a workshop teacher with students of upper-secondary education from UNAM. His research topics are mainly sexual diversity, discrimination, culture and gender.
Sofía Rivera-Aragón, Facultad de Psicología | UNAM |
He obtained a Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate from the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has been a full professor “C” T. C. Def., For 38 years. He has a PRIDE level "D" at UNAM and is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), level "I". She was Academic Secretary of the Research and Postgraduate Division (September 2009 to October 2013); Coordinator of the Unique Program of Specializations in Psychology (November 2013 to April 2016); and head of the Research and Postgraduate Division (May 2016 to April 2019), all of them in the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM. He has published 111 articles in national and international magazines and 234 chapters in specialized books, has 7 published books and 2 in press, 176 extensive abstracts and 12 technical reports. He has presented several papers and symposia in collaboration with his research team at national and international conferences. He obtained the 2006 National University Award, in the area of ​​Social Sciences; the Dr. Rogelio Díaz Guerrero Award for Psychosocial Research and Ethnopsychology (2006); and the Teaching and Research Award in Psychology from the National Council for Teaching and Research in Psychology (CNEIP, 2012). The Fenapsime research award, 2020. He has supervised 144 theses: 104 undergraduate, 19 master's and 21 doctorate, completed. 3 students on doctoral research stays and 1 postdoctoral fellow. He has been responsible and co-responsible for 12 research projects financed by the Pan American Health Organization, Conacyt and DGAPA-PAPIIT.


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How to Cite
Bonilla-Teoyotl, C. I., Rivera-Aragón, S., Díaz-Loving, R., Cruz-Sierra, S., Barrientos-Delgado, J., & Robles-Mendoza , A. L. (2021). Development and psychometric analysis of a new internalized homophobia scale. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(2), 306-329.