Reflections on gender violence during confinement caused by Covid-19

Keywords: COVID-19, gender violence, quarantine, pandemic, lockdown, risk of violence


During the period of confinement in Spain, from March to June 2020, there were eight murdered women victims of sexist violence, eleven less than in the same period of the previous year. In addition, the number of complaints decreased by 10.25% in the first four months and by 14.62% in the second four months of 2020. However, an increase of 41.1% in calls to 016 was confirmed from 14 December March to May 31. What in principle could indicate a decrease in gender-based violence, in reality revealed difficulties for the victims to ask for help during confinement, evidenced mainly by the increase in the use of silent means. This study performs a bibliographic review to reflect on how COVID-19 has affected gender-based violence. The current literature reviewed indicates that the conditions generated by confinement promote risk factors for gender-based violence.


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Author Biography

Estrella Fátima Rueda-Aguilar, Universidad de Sevilla| España |
Doctor in Social Sciences from the Pablo de Olavide University. Specialist in Clinical Psychology. Expert in feminist research and feminist perspective of scientific thought. Expert in training of trainers. planning, design, evaluation of projects and programs. Professor in the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Seville (Spain). Teacher-Tutor National University of Distance Education. Consultant professor in the Training Cycle of Social Integration at the Open University of Catalonia. Extensive experience in the field of social intervention


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How to Cite
Rueda-Aguilar, E. F. (2021). Reflections on gender violence during confinement caused by Covid-19. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 7(2), 181-203.