A biocultural model to understand the person and his exemplification

Keywords: philosophical anthropology, person, semiosis, human being, biocultural


The present work is within biocultural studies. It focuses on its application to understand the human being as a person. It uses the person as a synonym for the human and serves as an example of a biocultural model. A concept of person is used that can allow understanding the human being in all its aspects and being intercultural. The proposed biocultural model consists of three semiosis processes; a first based on inheritance, the second defined by development and the third determined by key moments in life. The semiosis suggest the generation of the significant unit that is the human being as a complex living system. With this, it is proposed to understand the human being as a person and two examples are used; St. Agustin and Nietzsche.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Zavala Olalde, University of Western Sydney
Doctor en antropología por la UNAM, posdoctorado en la University of Western Sydney. Autor de Homo bioculturalis sapiens (2021) y Ontogenia y teoría biocultural (2012)


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How to Cite
Zavala Olalde, J. C. (2022). A biocultural model to understand the person and his exemplification. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 8(01), e08012022396. https://doi.org/10.22402/j.rdipycs.unam.e.8.01.2022.396