What is the definition of happiness of Mexicans?

Keywords: Happiness, subjective well-being, Mexico City, semantic networks, graph


Now-a-days, happiness is a relevant matter. It has been considered a synonym of well-being, or a core part of it, and is characterized as an affective and cognitive evaluation. Happiness is relevant to self and individual interests, as well as, to social life and public policies. It is shaped culture, which appears to have a great influence on the definition of happiness across countries. So, what is the definition of happiness for Mexicans? The sample was 201 male (48.3%) and female (51.7%), Mexico City inhabitants, 20 years and older (Mean=39.97 years; S.D.=13.56 years) within three groups: 20 to 34 years (36.3%), 35 to 49 years (32.3%) and 50 or more years old (31.3%). Respondents filled out a semantic network questionnaire to define happiness (informed consent provided). A graph analysis was performed (Gephi 9.2). Happiness resulted in a social complex network. Results showed happiness has two main sets. The relationships that included family, friends and work. And positive emotions such as love, joy and tranquility. This definition had qualitative similarities and differences with other culture’s definitions of happiness.


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Author Biography

Olga Beatriz Flores-Cano, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Faculty of Psychology
Permanent Academic Technician, dedicated to teaching and research work attached to the postgraduate course in the area of ​​Social Psychology. He collaborates in the Perception and communication of environmental risks project with an emphasis on climate change and quality of life (PAPIIT IN309119). As the main author, she published the article Subjective well-being and its study with semantic networks in linear and non-linear analysis (2020), memoirs in extenso Non-linear model of subjective well-being (2019).


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How to Cite
Flores-Cano, O. B. (2023). What is the definition of happiness of Mexicans?. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 9(1), e912023502. https://doi.org/10.22402/j.rdipycs.unam.e.9.1.2023.499