Self-Injury Risk Questionnaire (ARC): psychometric properties and results in a sample of adolescents

  • Modesto Solis Espinoza | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Facultad de Psicología
  • Gilda Gómez-Peresmitré | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Facultad de Psicología
Keywords: Self-injury, Adolescents, Social contagion, Construct validity, Confirmatory factor analysis


Self-injury has a high frequency in adolescents, so appropriate instruments are required for its measurement and preventive actions. The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable instrument that explores the presence of self-injury and aspects very little addressed, such as difficulty to stop injuring oneself and the risk factor called social contagion. From a non-probabilistic total sample (N = 629), a sample with a normal distribution was obtained with N = 241 public secondary students from southern Mexico City, 89 men and 152 women (M = 12.37 years, SD = 2.28, range 11-15 years) The items of the instrument were constructed based on the literature and subjected to content validation procedures (expert evaluation), cognitive laboratories (to ensure understanding/meaning of the items), construct validity, exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) and internal consistency (alpha and omega coefficients). The CFA yielded a model with three factors (frequency, addictive effect and social contagion) with adequate goodness of fit indexes and acceptable internal consistency (alpha and omega = 0.94). The results indicate that the questionnaire is useful to evaluate relevant aspects of the self-injury, it is duscussed the needed to complement the information with interviews, to focus on social contagion and the intention of sel-finjury.


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How to Cite
Solis Espinoza, M., & Gómez-Peresmitré, G. (2020). Self-Injury Risk Questionnaire (ARC): psychometric properties and results in a sample of adolescents. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 6(1), 123-141.