From Teaching Machines to Computer Networks: Evolution of Educational Technology Supported by Learning Theories

Keywords: technology, education, learning theories, connectivism, artificial intelligence


This paper examines the transformation of educational technology, from the emergence of behaviorist teaching machines to the current integration of network technologies, supported by various learning theories. It details how teaching machines, based on behaviorism, laid the groundwork for using technology in education through instructional sequences aimed at shaping the learner's behavior with immediate feedback. Subsequently, the influence of cognitivism and its impact on the development of educational technologies such as expert systems and Logo is addressed, reflecting a focus on the internal mental processes of learning. The article also discusses the role of constructivism in promoting active and constructive learning, evidenced in the development of Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Moodle, which encourage collaborative environments. Finally, it introduces connectivism as an appropriate approach for the digital age, where learning involves navigating and connecting within computer networks. It highlights the need to adapt education to emerging technologies such as generative artificial intelligence and contemporary learning theories, underlining the importance of preparing learners to handle the complex world of information and knowledge today.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Sordo, J. M. (2024). From Teaching Machines to Computer Networks: Evolution of Educational Technology Supported by Learning Theories. Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social, 10(1), e1012024569.